- Quote: “Nothing ever seems impossible in spring, you know.” – L.M. Montgomery
- Found wallet – Our daughter found a wallet while walking our dog. She investigated and was able to locate the person through Facebook. He was visiting NS and concerned about ID to fly home, etc. He offered for her to keep the money that was in the wallet, but she declined. Good people help people without expecting anything in return. Glad she is “good people”!
- Curling isn’t like riding a bike. We had the opportunity to curl with the West Nova Holstein Club. It’s been 29 years since we curled and I fell almost every time I threw a rock. I managed to get one rock in the right spot! (We threw some rocks and then played one end.) I think I might like to try curling again, but I would need some lessons for sure!
- Making soup doesn’t have to be a big thing. I have been cooking small chickens in the air fryer every once in a while. They are small, so I have been throwing out the carcasses. This time I decided to put it in the crockpot with a little water and veggies. It wasn’t a big deal to clean the carcass off after it simmered and it was a small batch so it wasn’t a lot of veggies to throw in. We had a nice meal of soup, with only enough leftover for 2 lunches the next day, but it wasn’t a lot of work. I’ve always made soup in huge batches and it seems like such a big task!
- Fun thing – green pancakes for St. Patrick’s Day
chicken soup, curling, found wallet, Friday Five, fun things., good food, good people, green pancakes, happy, my thoughts, perspective, Quotes, soup, spring, St Patrick's Day